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Funding Indigenous arts: the CALQ tours Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean

Programmes Régions

To present funding opportunities for Indigenous artists and organizations, Sara Thibault, Recognition Program Grant Officer at the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ), recently participated in a series of information sessions held in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean in cooperation with Culture Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean and Kamishkak’Arts.

Presented at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi’s Centre Nikanite, IQ L’Atelier d’Alma and the Musée ilnu de Mashteuiatsh, these sessions were an opportunity for the CALQ to present the different components of the RecognitionThis link will open in a new window program, hear about the community’s needs and concerns, and reiterate its commitment to recognizing and promoting Indigenous arts. Culture Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean and Kamishkak’Arts took advantage of these meetings to outline their services.

From left to right: Julie Gagnon et Julie Gagnon-Bond (Kamishkak’Arts), Sara Thibault (CALQ), Shéril Gravel and Fratzel Descadres (Culture SLSJ), and artists Mike Paul and Amélie Courtois.
© Culture Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean

Artists who have received support share their stories

In Chicoutimi, author and poet Marie-Andrée Gill This link will open in a new window, recipient of the 2020 Prix du CALQ – Artist of the Year for Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, generously shared her story about how important this honour was for her career.

In Alma, Mike Paul Kuekuatsheu This link will open in a new window, singer-songwriter and recipient of several grants through the Recognition program, gave an acoustic performance of his repertoire and answered audience questions about his experience as an artist and member of a CALQ jury.

In Mashteuiatsh, some 30 artists and representatives of arts organizations talked about the importance of supporting and promoting cultural diversity by funding Indigenous projects.

Upcoming activities

From July 30 to August 3, Sara Thibault and Honorine Youmbissi, Director of Support for Artists, Communities and Regional Action, will be on site and available to answer your questions at the 40th edition of the Festival Innu Nikamu This link will open in a new window, in Maliotenam.

Organizations, associations and groups that would like to hold an information session about our grant programs are encouraged to contact Sara Thibault by email or by phone at 514 845-9024.

The calendar of upcoming activities This link will open in a new window and information sessions about the Recognition program is updated regularly.

About Recognition

The Recognition program stems from close collaboration between the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) and First Nations and Inuit communities. It was conceived within a perspective of dialogue, listening and respect following a consultation of a wide variety of artistic and cultural practitioners from the First Nations and Inuit communities. They enhanced the process of reflection through their experience and knowledge of the issues facing artists, writers and organizations.

Open, inclusive, flexible and tailored to First Nations cultures' needs and realities, as well as to their specific ways of creating and disseminating artworks, the Recognition program is designed to support the First Nations artistic community's reappropriation, reconstruction and development efforts.

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About Culture Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean

Culture SLSJ This link will open in a new window represents the cultural sector of Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean and has been a leader in its development for over 40 years. Through its efforts in dialogue, communication, training and representation, the Culture SLSJ team mobilizes over 250 members who are artists, cultural and self-employed workers, organizations and partners in the sector and has positioned itself as a major driver of development in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean.

About Kamishkak’Arts

A non-profit organization founded in 1993 under the name Fondation Diane Robertson, in 2018 it changed its name to Kamishkak’Arts This link will open in a new window. Since its creation, the organization has been offering a wide range of services for artists and artisans from every discipline and different levels of practice, both for emerging artists, professionals and art lovers and for the general public from the community of Mashteuiatsh and the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region.

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