The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec grants more than $1 million to First Nations and Inuit through its Recognition program

© Skawennati
The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec is proud to announce the names of artists, writers and professional organizations that have received funding under its new Recognition program dedicated to First Nations and Inuits. One year after its launch, this program awarded 45 grants to artists and 16 grants to arts organizations from different Nations across Québec, for a total investment of $1,005,289.
At the end of this first year of implementation of the Recognition program, we are pleased to see the success of this Conseil initiative. The high quality projects submitted throughout the year attest to the relevance of this financial support, which makes it possible to meet the specific needs of First Nations and Inuit artistic practice throughout Québec.
- Anne-Marie Jean, President and CEO
Project evaluation
The titles of the projects and the amount awarded to each are attached. Applications were evaluated by juries composed mainly of recognized First Nations and Inuit artists, creators and professionals or cultural managers who are representative of First Nations and Inuit artistic communities. Projects were selected on the basis of merit and the excellence of their proposal, according to the evaluation criteria and objectives specific to each of the program’s components.
About the Recognition program
Launched on August 9, 2018, the Recognition program stems from close collaboration between the Conseil and and First Nations and Inuit communities. It was conceived within a perspective of dialogue, listening and respect following a consultation of a wide variety of artistic and cultural practitioners from the First Nations and Inuit communities
Through this approach, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec affirms its willingness to:
- Contribute to the knowledge, recognition and promotion of artists and arts.
- Foster the reappropriation, transmission and development of traditional artist knowledge, languages and arts.
- Facilitate First Nations and inuit artists’ early careers and professional development by supporting their first professional experiences, in addition to sponsorships and guidance.
- Encourage the respect of First Nations and Inuit protocols.
The program is divided into five components, two of which are intended for organizations and three for artists, both established and up-and-coming. Open to customary, traditional and current forms, it supports activities of creation, revitalization, transmission, sponsorship, accompaniment, touring and dissemination in Québec and abroad. Through this program, the Conseil can also support the initiatives of First Nations and Inuit arts organizations as well as the development of their organizational capabilities and their consolidation.
Since the program’s launch, the Conseil's team has ensured a regular presence with First Nations and Inuit artists and arts organizations in Québec. The Recognition program’s manager has participated in more than a dozen events that bring together First Nations and Inuit in Québec.
More about the Recognition program
The Minwashin organization held its first Anishinabek arts and culture gathering in Val-d'Or on September 20, 2018. This memorable event benefited directly from Recognition program support.
Appendix– List of projects supported by the Recognition program
Revitalization, creation and transmission - Total: $358,030
This component supports the creation, dissemination, circulation and transmission of Inuit and First Nations and Inuit works and artists throughout Québec and outside Québec.
Ginette Kakakos Aubin (Malécite, Lanaudière), visual arts, NANKOMIYE, $22,380
Maya Cousineau Mollen (Innue, Montérégie) literature and storytelling, Poetry Evening - National Aboriginal Peoples' Day 2019, $3,000
Skawennati (Mohawk, Montréal), visual arts, Longhouse of the future Version II, $11,950
Anna Khesickhway Harper (Oji-Cree, Montréal), popular song, 13 Moons - Dream Weaver, $15,000
Tomson Highway (Cree, Outaouais), literature and storytelling, Songs in the Key of Cree, $13,000
Valmor Jourdain (Innu, Capitale-Nationale), popular song, Development and songwriting, $10,000
Natasha Kanapé Fontaine (Innu, Montréal), multidisciplinary arts, Tshishikushkueu, d'après Bleuets et abricots, $30,000
Soleil Launière (Innu, Montréal), multidisciplinary arts, Umanishish, $35,000
Kanessa Michel (Innu, Centre-du-Québec), arts and crafts, Cultural transmission by caribou, $16,820
Kim O'Bomsawin (Abenaki, Montréal), film and video art, Joséphine Bacon: My name is human, $50,000
Kevin Papatie (Algonquin, Abitibi-Témiscamingue),film and video art, Nibi and Kigôs, $50,000
Louis-Karl Picard-Sioui (Huron-Wendat, Capitale-Nationale), literature and storytelling, Chroniques de Kitchike: BlackPipe Pow-wow, $20,000
Guy Sioui Durand (Huron-Wendat, Capitale-Nationale), literature and storytelling, The Talking Tent: A Gathering of Literary Oralities, $18,880
Jocelyn Sioui (Huron-Wendat, Montréal), theatre, TRACES, $50 000
Roger Wylde (Algonquin, Abitibi-Témiscamingue), arts and crafts, Tewegan, The drum, $12,000
Microgrants - Total: $68,159
This component is distinguished by a streamlined application/evaluation process and an expedited processing/response time.
Ginette Kakakos Aubin (Malécite, Lanaudière), visual arts, Wolankeyutomon (Take care of everything), $2,080
Ivanie Aubin-Malo (Maliseet, Montréal), dance, Wolastokuk/Maliseet Territory, $3,000
Kevin Bacon Hervieux (Innu, North Shore), film and video art, Participation in the Gala Québec Cinéma, $1,325
Julie Anne Bellefleur (Huron-Wendat, Estrie), arts and crafts, Acquisition of equipment and materials for ceramic studio, $3,000
Anne-Marie Blouin (Huron-Wendate, Capitale-Nationale), arts and crafts, Integration of Aboriginal motifs into arts and craft products, $2,990
Beatrice Deer (Inuk-Mohawk, Montréal), music, Beatrice Deer in Winnipeg May 2019, $3,000
Barbara Diabo (Mohawk, Montréal), dance, My Urban Nature, $3,000
Charlie Gordon (Inuk, Montréal), visual Arts, Saali Kuata Photography, $3,000
Charlie Gordon (Inuk, Montréal), circus arts, Creative workshops to design a circus show, $3,000
Aibillie Idlout (Inuk, Nord-du-Québec), circus arts, Circus training camp, $3,000
Lisa-Louise Ittukallak (Inuk, Nord-du-Québec), music, Vocal Encounters: Inuit Throat Singing in Germany, $1,575
Soleil Launière (Innu, Montréal), multidisciplinary arts, Mentoring - Umanishish phase 1, $3,000
Michael Nappatuq (Inuk, Nord-du-Québec), circus arts, Circus training camp, $3,000
Minnie Ningiuruvik (Inuk, Montérégie), circus arts, Creative workshops to design a circus show, $3,000
Victoria Okpik (Inuk, Montréal), arts and crafts, Parka Collection, $3,000
Meky Ottawa (Atikamekw, Montréal), film and video art, HOMING - Symposium Poetics&Politics, $1,839
Jobena Petonoquot (Algonquin, Outaouais), visual Arts, Rebellion of my Ancestors, $1,350
Nancy Saunders (Inuk, Lanaudière), visual Arts, Ivalu, $3,000
Jonathan Simard (Inuk, Montréal), circus arts, Equipment purchase, $3,000
Christine Sioui Wawanoloath (Abenaki-Wendat, Centre-du-Québec), literature and storytelling, Publication of her collection of poetry and images entitled Dans l'oeil du lièvre, $3,000
Jocelyn Sioui (Huron-Wendat, Montréal), theatre, Welcome to Kitchike, $3,000
M. Sioui (Huronne-Wendat, Capitale-Nationale), multidisciplinary arts, Purchase of materials and equipment, $3,000
Normand Jr Thirnish-P., (Innu, Montérégie), film and video art, Shikuan, $3,000
Mina Maina Tukai (Inuk, Nord-du-Québec), circus arts, Circus training camp, $3,000
Katey Wattam (Nipissing, Montréal), theatre, Clean Slate Assistant Director Mentorship, $3,000
Impetus - Total: $25,000
This component boosts the careers of First Nations and Inuit artists by providing them with a first grant of $5,000
Maya Cousineau Mollen (Innu, Montérégie), literature and storytelling
Passa Mangiuk (Inuk, Nord-du-Québec), visual arts
Trina Slapcoff (Cree, Montréal), visual arts
Matiu Vachon (Innu, Abitibi-Témiscamingue), popular song
Nico Williams (Ojibwe, Montréal), arts and crafts
Revitalization, creation and transmission - Total: $424,600
This component supports projects of First Nations and Inuit arts organizations concerning the creation, dissemination, circulation and influence of First Nations and Inuit works and artists throughout Québec and outside Québec.
Wapikoni mobile (Montréal), film and video art, 2019 Movie on Wheels Tour, $50,000
Cree Native Arts and Crafts Association / Association crie d'artisanat autochtone (Nord-du-Québec), multidisciplinary, Festival des Premiers Peuples de Montréal, $4,000
Cree Native Arts and Crafts Association / Association crie d'artisanat autochtone (Nord-du-Québec), multidisciplinary, Exhibition: Stories of animals from Eeyou Istchee, hear and touch, $40,000
Cree Native Arts and Crafts Association / Association crie d'artisanat autochtone (Nord-du-Québec), multidisciplinary, Tipaachimuh (Cree song and poetry writing competition), $4,350
Kamishkak'Arts (Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean), multidisciplinary, 9th edition - Festival de contes et légendes - Atalukan, $15,000
KWE! À la rencontre des peuples autochtones (Capitale-Nationale), multidisciplinary, KWE! À la rencontre des peuples autochtones, $70,000
La Maison des cultures nomades (Montréal), music, Uashat and Manawan creative and recording workshops, $30,000
Minwashin (Abitibi-Témiscamingue), multidisciplinary, Miaja, $15,000
Minwashin (Abitibi-Témiscamingue), multidisciplinary, Miaja, Anicinabe language rally, $25,000
Productions Menuentakuan (Montréal), theatre, Where the blood mixes, $22,500
Productions Menuentakuan (Montréal), theatre, Kassinu auen shuel'mitutau - Let's all love each other, $33,750
Productions Onishka (Montréal), theatre, This Time will be different, $40,000
Tupiq A.C.T. (Artic circus troupe) (Nord-du-Québec), circus arts, Creation of the first show of the Tupiq A.C.T. troupe, $75,000
Development of organizational capabilities - Total: $129,500
This component supports the initiatives, development and consolidation of First Nations and Inuit arts organizations.
Wapikoni mobile (Montréal), film and video art, Digital Data Governance Project, $43,500
Kamishkak'Arts (Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean), multidisciplinary, Support for activities, communications and development, $36,000
La Boîte Rouge VIF (Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean), visual arts, Development of collaborative governance for the development of Aboriginal arts, $50,000
Honorine Youmbissi
Directrice des communications
et de la promotion des arts et des lettres
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Tél. : 1 800-608-3350