Win Butler and Régine Chassagne (Arcade Fire) - Compagnon et Compagne des arts et des lettres du Québec

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There are unlikely encounters that alter the course of a life and the history of music, like Lennon meeting McCartney. Or Win Butler meeting Régine Chassagne. Coming from a line of musicians, the American came to Montréal to study theology, where the Quebecer of Haitian origin was doing her bachelor’s degree in communications, singing jazz, and playing in a medieval music ensemble. A brilliant duo was born.
Arcade Fire formed around this core that brought together talented multi-instrumentalists who move from accordion to drums, guitar to organ, xylophone to cello. Acclaimed for their original lyrics and explorations in sound, the group declared its independence with successive, visionary albums that ripped through the musical landscape like lightning bolts. The only constant is that they pop up unexpectedly, in their own time. Revolutionaries David Bowie, David Byrne, and Björk became admiring fans.
With its fluid melodies, richly arranged, Arcade Fire combines rock, pop, punk, electronic, disco, and world music. Drawing on a range of origins and influences, the eclectic songs simmer under the embers of what Win Butler and Régine Chassagne have experienced in the way of grief, rebellion, and anxieties. Through Funeral, Neon Bible, The Suburbs, Reflektor, and Everything Now, stirring anthems sit alongside soothing lullabies, haloing the existential angst with fragile, but very real hope. The flame is still burning, under the arcade where Régine’s hurdy-gurdy and Win’s dobro continue to make music together.
About the Ordre des arts et des lettres du Québec
The Ordre des arts et des lettres du Québec is a distinction bestowed by CALQ honouring those individuals who have played a prominent role in Québec's artistic development.
The CALQ would like to thanks its partner, Hydro-Québec.
List of recipients This link will open in a new window
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- Tribute to Kent Nagano, C.A.L.Q.
- Hommage à René Derouin, C.A.L.Q. [in French only]
- Hommage à Michel Dallaire, C.A.L.Q. [in French only]
- Hommage à Jacques Brault, C.A.L.Q. [in French only]
- Hommage à Diane Dufresne, C.A.L.Q. [in French only]