Call for projects in partnership with the Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) and the Fondation de BAnQ - Sept-Îles
Please note that the submission period for this program is over. The documentation is provided for information purposes.
IMPORTANT: This program is not available through Mon Dossier CALQ. You must complete the grant application form available on the "Presentation of the application" section and mail it to the Council or drop it off at one of its offices. You cannot send your grant application by email.
Before submitting an application, artists are advised to read the program over carefully. If you have any questions after reading the program or if there is anything else you would like to clarify, please email or phone the program manager. The manager can also provide information and advice on how to present your project and what to include in your application.
The start date of the project cannot be earlier than the registration deadline.
Le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (the CALQ) is proud to partner with the BAnQ and the Fondation de BAnQ for the production of an original, permanent work in visual arts and architecture.
Inspired by the Côte-Nord archives preserved by the BAnQ, this work will be installed at the Sept-Îles archives centre.
This call for projects is intended to:
- Support and stimulate the creation of a new public art work.
- Offer artists and architects a context for a permanent piece while taking into account the site’s mission.
- Contribute to the visibility and dissemination of a new visual art or architectural work.
Target applicants
Professional artists in the visual arts, arts and crafts and architecture professionals with at least two years of professional artistic practice in Québec or abroad who satisfy the General criteria and conditions for eligibility are eligible to apply.
The number of years of professional artistic practice is determined taking into account the applicant’s overall career and includes the number of years of practice in another discipline.
For the purposes of stylistic simplification, the term “professional” is used to refer to all professionals in the fields of architecture, urban planning or environmental design.
Artists' groups (collectives) - Processing of application
An application from a group of artists or writers to undertake a common project must be submitted by a single artist applicant. The artist applicant must satisfy the program's conditions for eligibility.
If the application is successful, the grant will be disbursed to the artist applicant who, as the grant recipient and the group representative, will be responsible for project management and budget oversight.
Details of the financial support
- The CALQ will award a maximum of $15,000 per project. This amount cannot represent over 50% of the total cost of the project. Support is provided in the form of a one-time, non-recurring grant, after the application has been studied and accepted.
- BAnQ and the Fondation BAnQ, which are commissioning the work, will pay $15,000 to the architect or artist.
General criteria
To be eligible, the applicant must:
- Have presented a body of works publicly, in venues and/or a context recognized by his peers. These works must have been produced independently of his training or subsequent to it.
If an applicant submits a project in a discipline other than the one in which he normally pursues his career, his project must satisfy the eligibility criteria for the new discipline in which he is applying for a grant.
Visual arts
Visual arts
The visual arts encompass painting, sculpture, engraving, photography, drawing, illustration, mixed techniques, installations, comic strips, performance, textile arts or any other form of related expression.
Arts and crafts
The following are considered to be in the field of arts and crafts: « the production of original works which are unique or in multiple copies, intended for a utilitarian, decorative or expressive purpose and conveyed by the practice of a craft related to the working of wood, leather, textiles, metals, silicates or any other material».
(From the Act respecting the professional status of artists in the visual arts, arts and crafts and literature, and their contracts with promoters)
Architectural research
Architectural research includes practices, discourse and works intended to renew artistic language in the realms of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and environmental design.
Professional artist
Artists must have at least two years of professional artistic practice in Québec or elsewhere.
The number of years of professional artistic practice is determined taking into account the applicant's overall career and includes the number of years of practice in another discipline.
Professional artist
To be eligible, you must be a professional artist and have minimal experience in one of the disciplines supported by the CALQ. The CALQ considers professional artists those who:
- declare themselves to be professional artists;
- produce works or practice an art on their own behalf or offer services for payment, as creators or performers, in disciplines within the CALQ’s jurisdiction;
- have been recognized by their peers;
- publicly present or perform works at sites or in a context recognized by their peers.
For the purposes of this program, the term “artist” also includes writers, storytellers, architects and craftspersons.
The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant as contemplated in section 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. In both instances they must normally reside in Québec and have resided there for at least the preceding 12 months.
Applicants who have resided outside Québec for two or more years are considered ineligible for the Conseil's programs, unless they have maintained their status as a Québec resident.
In this instance, it is the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate his eligibility by submitting proof of participation in Québec's health insurance plan, as administered by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec.
These rules govern all CALQ grant programs.
You can submit up to five separate applications and receive a maximum of five grants per CALQ fiscal year, from April 1st to March 31st. All applications submitted, including those deemed ineligible, are counted in the annual maximum.
Applications with a fixed date:
The fiscal year a grant application falls under is indicated under the application date for each program in the ''Presentation of the application'' section. You can only submit one application per registration.
Apply any time:
Travel, Circulation of Works Within Québec, Circulation of Works Outside Québec:
Applications submitted between March 1st and 31st inclusively are counted for the following fiscal year.
Others :
Applications received between February 24 and March 31st inclusively will be recorded in the following fiscal year.
You may not have more than three projects being considered, supported or under way at the same time.
If you have received financial support from one of the CALQ’s grant programs, you must produce a Grant Use Report within three months after the completion of the project. To be eligible to submit a new application, you must have submitted Grant Use Reports for all projects that have reached their end, and these reports must be approved by the CALQ. The official end date for the project is the date you set when applying.
Failure to meet deadlines for the submission of projects will render your application ineligible.
- A group legally constituted as a not-for-profit or profit-making company or general partnership is ineligible for this program.
- BAnQ, BAnQ Foundation and Conseil staff members.
- A project carried out under the supervision of an educational program.
- A project that has already been rejected by the Conseil.
- Incomplete applications.
Specificity of projects
- Projects must be carried out between April and november 2023, when the work will be inaugurated.
- Projects must reflect the limits of the space where the work will be installed.
- Draw inspiration from one or more archival collections kept at Archives nationales à Sept-Îles to develop the artistic concept of your project.
To do so, please download and consult the following documentation: Interesting archives and location of the piece (2 MB) .
For questions about the archive, please contact:
Danielle Saucier
Direction des régions
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Archives nationales à Sept-Îles
700, boul. Laure, bureau 190
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 1Y1
Phone : 418 964-8434, poste 6315
Fax : 418 964-8500
The grant recipient will give the BAnQ a non-exclusive, non-transferrable licence to exhibit and represent or reproduce the piece in any form whatsoever, including in the form of an electronic reproduction presented on the BAnQ website, for the purposes of publicity, exhibition or archiving. This licence will be granted for non-commercial purposes, with no territorial or time limits. Candidates must show separately in their budget any costs related to copyright royalties for the licence granted to the BAnQ. BAnQ and the candidate selected will sign a contract with the same terms as those presented in this call for projects.
Eligible expenses
- Candidate’s remuneration
- Research expenses
- Fees for participant artists (excluding the artist applicant)
- The professional fees of specialists and technicians
- Costs for installing the work, lighting, etc.
- Production expenses such as workshop rental, expenditures for materials, equipment rental, laboratory tests, and expenses arising from service and other contracts
- Living expenses (hotel and meals) to a maximum of $125 per day in Canada and $200 per day outside Canada for up to 15 days
- Ground and air transportation expenses
- Promotion expenses
- Travel-related expenses such as vaccinations, visas, insurance, etc.
- Copyright royalties for the licence
The purchase of specialized equipment is eligible solely with regard to equipment required to carry out the project that cannot be rented or whose purchase price is lower than the rental price. Supporting documents must be submitted.
Evaluation of applications
- Artistic quality of the project
- Relevance of the project with respect to the dissemination context
- Feasibility of the project
Applications are evaluated by a selection committee whose members are recognized for their expertise in their field and who are familiar with the arts milieu in their discipline.
During the committee’s selection process, the members make recommendations to the Conseil’s board of directors for ratification. Decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.
Three months after the announcement of the results, the Conseil makes available the names of the members of a selection committee.
Board members, employees and members of juries and committees of the CALQ are subject to Codes of ethics and professional conduct This link will open in a new window. All must act in good faith in performing their duties and refrain from taking part in any discussion concerning a grant application that risks creating a conflict of interest. Confidential or privileged information transmitted to them may not be used for personal reasons.
The Conseil will informs the applicant of its decision approximately three month after the application deadline.
An applicant registered for Mon Dossier CALQ will receive an email inviting him to consult his online file to find out the result.
If the application is successful, along with the announcement letter the applicant will receive a document describing the terms and conditions governing the use of the grant.
If the application is unsuccessful and the applicant is not registered for Mon Dossier CALQ, the Conseil will communicate its decision in writing.
Presentation of the application
Application Deadline: February 1, 2023
An application filed for this program will be treated in the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
Incomplete applications and those submitted after the application deadline are not accepted.
The Conseil sends an email acknowledgement of receipt. Applicants registered for Mon dossier CALQ can track the progress of their grant application file’s processing directly in their online file.
Contents of the application file
The CALQ will not be accepting applications by mail. Mon dossier CALQ This link will open in a new window is the favoured channel for transmitting an application and for finding out the status of your file.
If this transmission mode is not available for the present program or if you cannot use it, the CALQ will receive the application file by WeTransfer. Instructions for sending are provided on the Application form – detail project.
Obligations and reports
Awarding of grants
- The Conseil determines the amounts awarded taking into consideration the funds available, budgets submitted and eligible expenses.
- The grant will be disbursed in the month following the announcement. However, to proceed with a payment, the Conseil must be informed of the grant recipient's social insurance number. In accordance with tax legislation, a grant recipient is bound to declare the amount of the grant awarded. The Conseil issues a tax slip to each grant recipient and submits the list of grant recipients to the ministère du Revenu.
- For the studio and studio-apartment residency program, the grant will be disbursed two months prior to the beginning of the residency.
- For the studio and studio-apartment residency program, the artist selected undertakes to comply with the applicable conditions and rules, whether communicated by the host organization or the institution overseeing the residency or posted on their website, as the case may be.
For further information…
- The Conseil cannot support the same project more than once. Moreover, the Conseil may not award a grant in respect of the same expenses related to a project already supported under another program of the Conseil or any other organization whatsoever.
- By cashing a grant cheque, the artist enters into a commitment to carry out the project planned and comply with the conditions governing the use of the grant.
- The grant recipient has three years from the application registration date to complete the project supported. The end of this period is the project expiry date. Should the artist fail to comply with this condition, the Conseil may demand repayment of the amount disbursed. Moreover, should the artist die or be disabled prior to completion of the anticipated activity, the Conseil may demand repayment of the grant prorated to the state of advancement of the activity.
Report on the use of a grant
The grant recipient undertakes to submit a detailed report on the use of the grant or the results of the research and a summary of expenses incurred, using the Report on the use of the grant This link will open in a new window form provided by the Conseil.
This report must be submitted within three months after the end of a project. To be eligible to submit a new application, a grant recipient must have submitted the reports on the use of grants for all projects that have reached their end date, and these reports must be approved by the Conseil. The official project end date is determined by the candidate upon registration.
Visibility and logo
Standards governing visibility
- When the project results in public activities such as exhibitions or publications, the Conseil's logo or a mention of its contribution must appear on any documentation, promotion or advertising materials.
- The grant recipient must comply with Standards governing the use of the Conseil's logo This link will open in a new window.
Further eligibility
Failure to comply with any of the foregoing conditions may jeopardize an artist's eligibility to submit a subsequent application.
Tools and references
Reference documents
- Frequently Asked Questions This link will open in a new window
- Code of ethics and professional conduct governing jury and committee members and assessors hired by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (65 KB)
- Glossary This link will open in a new window
- Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information This link will open in a new window
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act This link will open in a new window
- Act respecting the professional status of artists in the visual arts, film, the recording arts, literature, arts and crafts and the performing arts This link will open in a new window
- Policy governing juries, committees and assessors (365 KB)
The masculine form used in this document is understood to designate men and women equally.