Arts and Literature in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean Region - Territorial partnership
Creation, production, dissemination

Please note that the submission period for this program is over. The documentation is provided for information purposes.
Go to Mon dossier CALQ This link will open in a new window and complete your grant application online.
Before submitting an application, artists are advised to read the program over carefully. If you have any questions after reading the program or if there is anything else you would like to clarify, please email or phone the program manager. The manager can also provide information and advice on how to present your project and what to include in your application.
Given their common desire to support artistic creation and dissemination to the community, the Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Lac-Saint-Jean-Est, the RCM of Domaine-du-Roy, the RCM of Fjord-du-Saguenay, the RCM of Maria-Chapdelaine, the City of Dolbeau-Mistassini, the City of Saguenay, the Conseil des arts de Saguenay, Culture Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, the City of Alma and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (Conseil) have signed an agreement to support projects that involve formal partnership initiatives within the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region. This agreement is intended to implement the Support for creation, production and dissemination stream.
Projects submitted must formally involve partnership initiatives with the community or local stakeholders and must meet at least one of the following objectives:
- Support creation, production and dissemination projects that help forge links between the arts and the community.
- Favour the access to and promotion of artistic and literary works among local and regional populations.
- Contribute to the development of artists and writers in Québec from all generations and origins.
Target applicants and eligibility
This program is for professional artists from all disciplines supported by the CALQ This link will open in a new window.
Artists' or writers' groups (collectives)
If your application concerns a group of artists or writers working together on a common project, it must be submitted by a single artist applicant. The artist applicant must satisfy the program's conditions for eligibility.
If the application is successful, the grant will be disbursed to the artist applicant who, as the grant recipient and the group representative, will be responsible for project management and budget oversight.
To be eligible, you must satisfy the General criteria and conditions for this program.
General conditions
In keeping with the Act respecting the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, only individuals who carry out on their own an activity covered by this program are eligible for financial aid. If you are a shareholder of a corporation or a partnership or if you are employed by a non-profit organization, you may apply only for personal projects that are not part of the activities of the company or the organization in question.
To be eligible, you must:
- reside in an RCM or a municipality targeted by the program.
- reside in an RCM or a municipality targeted by the program.
Moreover, to be eligible, you must meet one of the following conditions :
- have participated in at least one production independent of or subsequent to your education, presented in a context recognized by peers in circus arts, multidisciplinary arts, popular song, film and video art, storytelling, spoken word creation in the literary domain, dance, music or theatre.
OR - have disseminated a work or body of work publicly at sites or in a context recognized by peers in digital arts, visual arts (including comic strips) and arts and crafts, or have publicly disseminated a work in architectural research. These works must have been produced independent of or subsequent to your training.
OR - have published, in a context recognized by peers, at least one book or three texts in a literary genre eligible for the CALQ. Electronic publications and self-published works are also eligible. A context recognized by peers does not include the university research and academic publishing milieus.
- have participated in at least one production independent of or subsequent to your education, presented in a context recognized by peers in circus arts, multidisciplinary arts, popular song, film and video art, storytelling, spoken word creation in the literary domain, dance, music or theatre.
If you meet the eligibility criteria in one discipline, you may present a project in any of the disciplines supported by the CALQ.
These rules govern all CALQ grant programs.
You can submit up to five separate applications and receive a maximum of five grants per CALQ fiscal year, from April 1st to March 31st. All applications submitted, including those deemed ineligible, are counted in the annual maximum.
Applications with a fixed date:
The fiscal year a grant application falls under is indicated under the application date for each program in the ''Presentation of the application'' section. You can only submit one application per registration.
Apply any time:
Travel, Circulation of Works Within Québec, Circulation of Works Outside Québec:
Applications submitted between March 1st and 31st inclusively are counted for the following fiscal year.
Others :
Applications received between February 24 and March 31st inclusively will be recorded in the following fiscal year.
You may not have more than three projects being considered, supported or under way at the same time.
If you have received financial support from one of the CALQ’s grant programs, you must produce a Grant Use Report within three months after the completion of the project. To be eligible to submit a new application, you must have submitted Grant Use Reports for all projects that have reached their end, and these reports must be approved by the CALQ. The official end date for the project is the date you set when applying.
Failure to meet deadlines for the submission of projects will render your application ineligible.
- Staff members of partner organizations for this program.
- A project submitted to obtain funding for a legally constituted group.
- A project already carried out by the application deadline.
- A project that was already declined by the CALQ during the same financial exercise unless it has been changed substantially.
- An incomplete application.
- Creation or dissemination projects resulting in a professional engagement and enabling a public presentation.
- Creation or dissemination projects that entail a special collaboration with an educational institution, library or municipal body.
- Creation or dissemination projects that make use of advanced techniques and resources.
- Projects involving community groups or interveners in the creation and dissemination process.
- A project carried out in conjunction with an undergraduate or graduate university program. Students who are registered in a university program at the time of the application are required to submit a letter from the educational institution attesting that their projects are separate from their training programs.
- A project related to the university research and educational publishing sectors.
- A project aimed at starting up a business or creation workshop designed for strictly commercial purposes.
- A project aimed at the realization of a business or marketing plan.
- A project of a didactic or historical nature.
- A project related to a fundraising campaign.
- A project supported as part of the program Présentation d’œuvres dans l’espace public et dans des lieux atypiques.
- A project that does not involve at least one regional partner.
- Candidate's remuneration.
- Research expenses.
- Expert’s fees, including honoraria.
- Fees for participant artists and collaborators (excluding the artist applicant).
- Production expenses such as workshop rental, expenditures for materials, equipment rental.
- Transportation expenses.
- Travel-related expenses.
- Living expenses (hotel and meals).
- Promotion expenses.
The purchase of specialized equipment is eligible solely with regard to equipment required to carry out the project that cannot be rented or whose purchase price is lower than the rental price. Supporting documents must be submitted.
Only costs incurred from the start of the project will be considered eligible.
- Fees above and beyond artistic production expenses.
- Operating expenses of the organizations that participate in the project.
- Expenses stemming from the establishment of an organization's infrastructure (office rental, installation of a telephone, etc).
- Capital costs and renovation and construction costs.
- Training expenses.
Maximum amount
The maximum amount of financial assistance may not exceed $20,000. The amount accorded may not represent more than 80% of the total cost of the project.
The budget must reflect the participation of the partners involved in the project. Thus, the portion of the budget not covered by the grant must include a financial or service contribution from the partners.
If the real cost of the project results in exceeding the relative scale of the maximum amount of financial assistance, the partners can request reimbursement of the amount in excess.
The CALQ and the partners cannot award a grant in respect of the same expenses related to a project already supported under another program of the CALQ or any other organization whatsoever.
Financial support is available for artists with disabilities with a view to ensuring access to CALQ's services. Please complete the relevant section of your official form if you would like to submit an application.
Evaluation of applications
Evaluation criteria
- Quality of artistic work – 40 %
- Quality of past work of the candidate and the main participating artists.
- Quality of past work of the candidate and the main participating artists.
- Interest and relevance of the project – 40 %
- Artistic value of the project.
- Impact and benefits of the project for the applicant and for the community.
- Feasibility of the project – 20 %
- Realistic budget and schedule.
- Appropriateness of the remuneration for the applicant and artists involved in the project.
- Importance of the partners’ contribution.
Applications are evaluated by a selection committee, the majority of whose members are drawn from the territory identified by the agreement, in the proportion provided for. They must be familiar with the arts and literature scene on their territory and be recognized in the cultural milieu for their expertise.
All applications are assessed on their merit, in light of the specified objectives and evaluation criteria. The selection takes into account both the comparative value of the projects and the funds available. During the committee’s selection process, the members make recommendations to the CALQ’s board of directors and to its financial partners for ratification.
All decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.
Three months after the announcement of the results, the CALQ makes available the names of the members of a selection committee.
Board members, employees and members of juries and committees of the CALQ are subject to Codes of ethics and professional conduct This link will open in a new window. All must act in good faith in performing their duties and refrain from taking part in any discussion concerning a grant application that risks creating a conflict of interest. Confidential or privileged information transmitted to them may not be used for personal reasons.
The CALQ will inform you of the decision regarding your application approximately three to four months after the application deadline.
If you register for Mon dossier CALQThis link will open in a new window, you will receive an email informing you to check your online file for the decision.
If your application is accepted, with the confirmation letter you will receive a document that outlines terms and conditions for the use of the grant.
If your application is declined and you have not registered for Mon dossier CALQ, the CALQ will communicate its decision in writing.
After receiving results, you may receive, upon request, the general ratings for your project made by the selection committee for each of the evaluation criteria.
The CALQ wishes to reiterate that its decisions are final and without appeal. No form of verbal abuse, harassment or intimidation towards its team after a decision is rendered, nor at any point in the application process, is tolerated.
Presentation of the application
Registration deadline
December 12, 2024.
An application filed for this grant program will be treated in the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
The start date of the project cannot be earlier than the registration deadline.
This program is updated each year. Please ensure that you have the version for the current year.
The date of submission online is deemed to be the date of receipt of the application. Incomplete applications and those submitted after the application deadline are not accepted.
The CALQ sends an email acknowledgement of receipt. Applicants registered for Mon dossier CALQ can track the progress of their grant application file’s processing directly in their online file.
Apply online
Mon dossier CALQContents of the application file
The required file contents are detailed on the application form. Letters of recommendation are not submitted to the jury.
Subject to the provisions of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, the CALQ respects the confidentiality of the documents and information in its possession and of those sent to it.
Obligations and reports
Awarding of grants
The amounts granted reflect the funds available, the budgets submitted and the eligible expenses.
In accordance with tax legislation, a grant recipient is bound to declare the amount of the grant awarded. A tax statement will be produced for each grant recipient and the list of supported artists will be submitted to the Revenue Ministry.
By cashing a grant cheque, the artist enters into a commitment to carry out the project planned and comply with the conditions governing the use of the grant.
For further information…
The grant recipient has three years from the application registration date to complete the project supported. The end of this period is the project expiry date. Should the artist fail to comply with this condition, the CALQ may demand repayment of the amount disbursed. Moreover, should the artist die or be disabled prior to completion of the anticipated activity, the CALQ may demand repayment of the grant prorated to the state of advancement of the activity.
Research results, as well as any rights an artist may hold on any work, specification, drawing, document, plan, report, datum, invention, method or process produced in conjunction with the program remain the property of the artist. However, the CALQ and the partners may reproduce certain of these documents for the purposes of internal management and promotion.
Report on the use of a grant
The grant recipient undertakes to submit a detailed report on the use of the grant or the results of the research and a summary of expenses incurred, using the Report on the use of the grant form provided by the CALQ. This report must be submitted within three months after the end of a project. To be eligible to submit a new application, a grant recipient must have submitted the reports on the use of grants for all projects that have reached their end date, and these reports must be approved by the CALQ. The official project end date is determined by the candidate upon registration.
Visibility and logos of the CALQ and partners
The grant recipient must mention the name of the program in all promotional tools and information documents related to the
project : website, press releases, exhibition catalogues, performance programmes, invitations and so on.
As part of a territorial partnership agreement, the CALQ’s visual signature must be accompanied by the logo of the project’s financial partner(s) identified in the letter of announcement sent out by the CALQ. The visibility standards are described here : “Using the visual signature as part of a territorial partnership This link will open in a new window”.
The CALQ logo can be found on the “Rules of use This link will open in a new window” webpage. To obtain the partners logos, please communicate with the contact person identified in the program sidebar.
Further eligibility
Failure to comply with any of the foregoing conditions may jeopardize an artist's eligibility to submit a subsequent application.
Tools and references
The CALQ will not be accepting applications by mail. Mon dossier CALQ This link will open in a new window is the favoured channel for transmitting an application and for finding out the status of your file.
If this transmission mode is not available for the present program or if you cannot use it, the CALQ will receive the application file by WeTransfer. Instructions for sending are provided on the Application form – detail project.
Reference documents
- Frequently Asked Questions This link will open in a new window
- Code of ethics and professional conduct governing jury and committee members and assessors hired by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (65 KB)
- Glossary This link will open in a new window
- Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information This link will open in a new window
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act This link will open in a new window
- Act respecting the professional status of artists in the visual arts, film, the recording arts, literature, arts and crafts and the performing arts This link will open in a new window
- Policy governing juries, committees and assessors (365 KB)
The masculine form used in this document is understood to designate men and women equally.