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There may be restrictions specific to each component in addition to the following list, which applies to the entire program
  • incomplete application;
  • project submitted to obtain support for a group legally constituted as a company or partnership, whether or not it is a non-profit organization;
  • project carried out as part of an academic program. Students enrolled in a college or university program when submitting the application must provide a letter from the school attesting that the project in no way relates to their training program;
  • project that was already declined by the CALQ, unless it has changed substantially;
  • promotional project, such as producing advertising programs or promotional videos;
  • project that is mainly journalistic, scientific, industrial, didactic, educational or tourism based in nature;
  • project the support for which falls under purview of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications or the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC);
  • project already supported by another CALQ program;
  • basic training project;
  • project to start a business of any description.

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