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David Albert-Toth, choregrapher for « Parts+Labour_Danse ». © Robin Pineda Gould

Obtaining Financial Aid

What we do

The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) is a public corporation under the responsibility of the Minister of Culture and Communications.

Our mission is to support, in every region of Québec, creation, experimentation, and production in the professional arts and literature and to promote the dissemination and visibility of works in Québec, Canada, and abroad.
Discover our mission

What we offer

The CALQ awards grants to professional artists and non-profit organizations. The CALQ’s funding programs fall into two categories: support to individuals and support to arts organizations.

This financial aid helps support a range of projects and activities and covers a variety of artistic disciplines: circus arts, multidisciplinary arts, digital arts, visual arts, popular song, film and video art, dance, literature and storytelling, arts and crafts, music, architectural research, and theatre.

Discover our programs at a glance and learn more about the grants available.



The financial aid application process

From searching for the program that best reflects your situation to producing a grant use report, click each step to find out more about the stages of a financial aid application.

By following the process, you maximize your chances of submitting a complete application. You will also obtain invaluable advice about your responsibilities should you receive a grant. 

Step 1

Search for financing

To identify the programs available to you, you can perform a search, filtering criteria based on your profile. This will point you toward the financial aid available to you.

Step 2

Read the conditions of eligibility

Before applying for funding, take the time to carefully read the details of the program that interests you to ensure your project is eligible. If any terms are unfamiliar, you can consult the glossary. This link will open in a new window


Step 3

Apply via Mon Dossier CALQ

Register for Mon dossier CALQ (for artists  This link will open in a new window or for organizations This link will open in a new window) to submit your project and track the progress of your application in real time. If you obtain financial aid, you can use the portal to submit your report on the use of your grant and the impact of your project.

In certain cases, you can also send in the application form via WeTransfer. Instructions for doing so are on the form.

N.B. When submitting the application, be sure you have all the support documentation requested. Otherwise, you may have to start the application over.

Step 4

Verification of your application’s eligibility

A CALQ program officer will verify whether your application meets the eligibility criteria for the program in question.

You can track the status of your application directly via Mon dossier CALQ.

You will then receive a response on the admissibility of your request directly via Mon dossier CALQ (for artists  This link will open in a new window or for organizations This link will open in a new window).

Step 5

Evaluation of your application

A committee of peers (jury, advisory committee, or selection committee depending on the program) will evaluate your application according to the evaluation criteria indicated in the description of the program to which you have applied. In some cases, the CALQ may also call on external assessors and its own staff to conduct an evaluation.

To find out more about the role and composition of our juries and committees, you can consult the corresponding policy. This link will open in a new window

Once the evaluation is done, CALQ teams make recommendations to the board of directors, which ratifies them.

Step 6

Decision about your application

If your application is successful, the amount of financial aid will be indicated in the grant announcement letter.

If your application is denied, this does not mean that your work is not deserving or that your application was not satisfactory. The evaluation of applications for financial aid is a competitive process, and budgets for each program are limited.

You can obtain feedback about the evaluation of an application for certain programs.

Find out more about feedback This link will open in a new window

Step 7

Realization of the project

If you are an artist, writer, or curator, consult the Guide for grant recipients This link will open in a new window for the terms of payment of the grant once your application has been approved.

If you are an arts organization, terms will be indicated in your letter of agreement.

If you obtain financial aid, it is important to acknowledge the CALQ. To find out how to use our logo, consult our usage standards. This link will open in a new window

Remember to keep your bills and document your process, as these will be required in the next step.

Step 8

Production of the report

You must submit a grant use report within three months after the end of your project. The report must be accompanied by documentation of expenses.

Step 9

Get answers to your questions

Do you have questions after reading about a program?  Feel free to contact the program officer indicated in the “contact” section of each program.

To found out more about grants to artists and for helpful tips, watch the instructional videos (in French only) produced by our program officers.

Consult our FAQ  This link will open in a new windowabout grant program for artists for answers to frequently asked questions.


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