Support artistic practices of professional artists and writers representative of cultural diversity.
Go to Mon dossier CALQ This link will open in a new window and complete your grant application online.
Before submitting an application, artists are advised to read the program over carefully. If you have any questions after reading the program or if there is anything else you would like to clarify, please email or phone the program manager. The manager can also provide information and advice on how to present your project and what to include in your application.
- Support artistic practices of professional artists and writers representative of cultural diversity.
- Encourage efforts to achieve full participation in Québec's professional artistic and literary sectors, taking integration barriers into account.
- Encourage the realization of projects that foster access for Quebeckers to artistic works and productions from professional artists and writers representative of cultural diversity.
Target applicants
Eligibility is restricted to professional artists and writers representative of cultural diversity working in the following artistic fields: circus arts, digital arts, cinema and video, multidisciplinary arts, visual arts, popular song, storytelling, dance, literature, arts and crafts, music, architectural research and theatre.
Artists' groups
An application from a group of artists or writers to undertake a common project must be submitted by a single artist applicant. The artist applicant must satisfy the program's conditions for eligibility.
If the application is successful, the grant will be disbursed to the artist applicant who, as the grant recipient and the group representative, will be responsible for project management and budget oversight.
General criteria
To be eligible, the applicant must :
- be a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant as contemplated in section 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, normally reside in Québec and have resided there for at least the preceding 12 months.
- Applicants who have resided outside Québec for two or more years are considered ineligible for the Conseil’s programs, unless they have maintained their status as a Québec resident. In this instance, it is the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate his eligibility by submitting proof of participation in Québec’s health insurance plan, as administered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.
He must also satisfy either of the following criteria :
- be a professional immigrant artist or writer and have been born outside Québec and Canada.
- be a member of a visible minority community, i.e. of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American or mixed racial heritage. Mixed racial heritage means belonging to one or more of the above groups.
Moreover, to be eligible, applicants must satisfy either of the following criteria :
- have participated in at least one production outside of his training, in a context recognized by his peers.
- have produced and disseminated at least one work of art publicly in a place and/or context recognized by his peers outside of his training.
- Candidates may submit up to five separate grant applications per fiscal year (running from April 1 to March 31) covering all of the Conseil's programs. All applications submitted, including those that prove ineligible, count towards the annual maximum. Unless indicated otherwise in the programs, applications received as of February 24 (or as of March 1 in the case of travel applications) will be included in the following fiscal year.
- Candidates may not have more than three projects at the same time being analyzed, supported or carried out.
- To be deemed eligible, applications must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the project start date.
- Candidates who fail to submit a grant report for more than three months following project completion.
- Legally incorporated groups.
- Project already completed.
- Projects that have already been rejected by the Conseil.
- Incomplete applications.
- Personal exploration, research, creation, production, dissemination, advanced training or travel projects;
- projects carried out in collaboration with a professional arts organization or a recognized professional artist or writer;
- creation or dissemination projects that make use of advanced technologies and resources.
- Projects completed as part of a program of studies leading to the granting of a diploma.
- A project related to the university research and educational publishing sectors.
- A project aimed at starting up a business or creation workshop designed for strictly commercial purposes.
- A project of a didactic nature.
- A project related to a fundraising campaign.
- Candidate's remuneration.
- Travel, visa and living expenses (accommodation and per diems).
- Professional honoraria (artists, collaborators, freelancers, technicians, etc.).
- Purchase of materials.
- Rental of studios, halls and equipment.
- Transportation of materials and equipment.
- Promotion expenses.
The purchase of specialized equipment is eligible solely with regard to equipment required to carry out the project that cannot be rented or whose purchase price is lower than the rental price. Supporting documents must be submitted.
- Operating expenses of the organizations that participate in the project.
- Training expenses leading to the granting of a diploma.
- Expenses already covered under the auspices of another Conseil program or by any other organization.
Maximum amount
Presentation of the application
Apply anytime
An application must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the project start date to be deemed eligible.
The date of submission online or by WeTransfer is deemed to be the date of receipt of the application.
The CALQ sends an email acknowledgement of receipt. Applicants registered for Mon Dossier CALQ can track the progress of their grant application file’s processing directly in their online file.
Apply online
Mon dossier CALQContents of the application file
The required file contents are detailed on the application form. Letters of recommendation are not submitted to the jury.
Subject to the provisions of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, the CALQ respects the confidentiality of the documents and information in its possession and of those sent to it.
Evaluation of applications
Evaluation criteria
- The project's relevance in light of the program's objectives (40 points);
- the quality and artistic value of the project (30 points);
- the impact of and subsequent effect of the project on the artist's career (20 points);
- the realism of the budget estimate and the artist's ability to carry out the project (10 points).
All applications are assessed on their merit, in light of the objectives and evaluation criteria specific to the different sections of the program. Project selection takes into account both the comparative value of the project and funds available.
Grant applications are evaluated by juries formed in accordance with the Conseil’s Policy governing juries, committees and assessorsThis link will open in a new window. Members are persons recognized for their proficiency in the artistic fields concerned.
Upon completion of the review process, jury members make recommendations to the Board of Directors, which then ratifies them. All decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.
Three months after the announcement of the results, the Conseil makes available the names of the members of a jury.
The Conseil will informs the applicant of its decision approximately four months after the application deadline.
An applicant registered for Mon Dossier CALQ will receive an email inviting him to consult his online file to find out the result.
If the application is successful, along with the announcement letter the applicant will receive a document describing the terms and conditions governing the use of the grant.
If the application is unsuccessful and the applicant is not registered for Mon Dossier CALQ, the Conseil will communicate its decision in writing.
After receiving the results, the applicant may request the jury's or the evaluator's general rankings of the project for each evaluation criterion.
The CALQ wishes to reiterate that its decisions are final and without appeal. No form of verbal abuse, harassment or intimidation towards its team after a decision is rendered, nor at any point in the application process, is tolerated.
Additional information
Subject to the provisions of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, the Conseil respects the confidentiality of the documents and information in its possession and of those sent to it.
Board members, employees and members of juries and committees of the CALQ are subject to Codes of ethics and professional conduct This link will open in a new window. All must act in good faith in performing their duties and refrain from taking part in any discussion concerning a grant application that risks creating a conflict of interest. Confidential or privileged information transmitted to them may not be used for personal reasons.
Paper forms
The CALQ will not be accepting applications by mail. Mon dossier CALQ This link will open in a new window is the favoured channel for transmitting an application and for finding out the status of your file.
If this transmission mode is not available for the present program or if you cannot use it, the CALQ will receive the application file by WeTransfer. Instructions for sending are provided on the Application form – detail project.
Guide for grant recipients - Obligations and reports This link will open in a new window
Glossary of terms used by the Conseil This link will open in a new window
Policy governing juries, committees and assessors (87 KB)
Laws pertaining to the Conseil's various grant programs This link will open in a new window